Thursday, October 13, 2011

Chatting with the Backstrap Weavers

As you may remember, our group of backstrap weavers grew out of the need for their work. We had begun the group with women who learned to weave on the foot loom, and other women who learned to sew on manual sewing machines. But, we had requests for products that we couldn’t make on the foot loom. Since many of us learned to weave on the back strap loom when we were children we formed a third working group, the backstrap weavers.

The other day we were reflecting on how we feel about being in MayaMam Weavers. Cleta said “I am so proud to be working in this group and to know these other women. I really like this kind of work, and we are learning things little by little. And to earn money to live on, of course that is excellent.”

Elicia mentioned the ergonomic benches and how much they have helped their weaving by eliminating their pain. And she also mentioned that earning money was definitely a positive thing.

Anciona commented that there weren’t any opportunities to earn money before the group formed. And “a big thank you to Juana Ramos, who trained us in how to use the ergonomic benches.”

Sandra and Delmi are the newest members of the back strap weavers. Sandra said she is very happy here, and Delmi is also happy because she didn´t have any work before.

We also talked a bit about their embroidery designs. Although their designs come from their own culture and town, they aren’t really sure about what they all mean, even though they use them in their work. We are going to invite a Maya spiritual guide to help interpret the symbols in the near future.

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