Thursday, November 3, 2011

Our Day Named Q’anil

We have embroidered this symbol for Q’anil in some of our backstrap loom woven belts.

Our ancestors carefully watched the movement of the planets and the stars and developed several calendars that are still important to us today. One of these calendars is a ceremonial, or spiritual, calendar. This calendar is made of 20 energies, each with a special name and character, paired with 13 different numbers. So, combining the different energies in order with the days’ numbers makes a calendar of 260 different days. Q’anil is the name of one of the 20 energies.

Q’anil represents seeds, life, and the creation of the universe, especially life and Mother Nature. The four points represent the four colors of corn -- red, white, yellow, and black -- which also represent the four great races of humanity. Q’anil represents birth and rebirth. It is a good day to start or restart a project, understanding that like seeds, it will take time to develop.

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